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EntrePastors Starter

You can stay as long as you need and cancel whenever you’d like

  • A 50% Discount on all courses, training programs, coaching and resources.

  • Includes a monthly question and answer session with Jon and Les so you can get your specific questions answered (4th Wednesday of each month at 1 PM CT)

  • Access to The Pastor's Roadmap To Financial Freedom Course, which includes videos and workbooks on each step in the roadmap process (Mindset, Assessment, Pathway, Strategy)

  • Digital access to our 60-page workbook that will walk you through step-by-step how to build your roadmap to financial freedom.

  • Access to the EntrePastors Members Only Facebook Group, where you’ll get support from other pastors who are developing and following their own roadmaps. 

    LIMITED TIME BONUS: Free access to our course, A Pastor’s Guide to Delegation. This course normally sells for $200.