7 Investments Every Pastor Must Make


Recently, both Jon and Les finished reading the book, Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell.  Toward the end of his book Dan shares what he calls the 7 Pillars of Life and talks about how we need to be making investments into every one of these areas. 

For many pastors and entrepreneurs, it’s often easy to neglect some, or all of these pillars as we are busy working hard to see our churches and businesses grow. 

In this episode Jon and Les share the list of the 7 Pillars of Life and talk about why each one is so vital for us to be making regular deposits into them.

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As pastors and spiritual leaders, we often find ourselves navigating the delicate balance between serving our communities faithfully and managing our personal finances.
The challenges of pastoral poverty can be daunting, but they are not insurmountable.
That's why we've organized this exclusive webinar to provide you with practical insights and strategies to break free from financial constraints and step into a future of abundance and impact.

Breaking Free From the
Cycle of Pastoral Poverty
FREE Webinar For Pastors

April 16, 2024



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