Understanding the EntrePastor Message
In this episode you will hear Jon & Les share a conversation they had recently with the audience of the 95Podcast. They were invited to give an overview of the EntrePastors platform to a new audience made up largely with pastors of small to mid-size churches.
Jon and Les talk about the mission and overall message of EntrePastors. They share why, in light of the massive shifts taking place in the American church and culture today, right now is such a vital time for pastors to be exploring and executing on a plan to develop additional streams of revenue through a business of their own in the marketplace.
They identify some of the common obstacles pastors must overcome to be successful in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Finally, they offer some powerful words of encouragement to any pastor regardless of where they find themselves on the path. This is a great episode to share with anyone who in unfamiliar with EntrePastors and needs to be encouraged with the inspiration to take a bold step forward.
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