Using Business to Magnify Missions - with Ryan Steuer


Ryan Steuer holds the distinguished honor of being a two-time returning guest to the EntrePastors podcast!  At one time, Ryan served as a pastor of a small congregation in rural Indiana, but his pathway into pastoral ministry was not necessarily via the traditional route.  

Ryan came out of the world of engineering and public education and launched a non-profit called Magnify Learning that teaches Project Based Learning in schools all across the nation.  Recently, Ryan transitioned Magnify Learning from a non-profit model to a for-profit business.  The impact of this transition has been huge for Ryan, his family, and his ministry.  

He has also just launched Magnify Missions and is helping missionaries create more entrepreneurial ways of raising their financial support for the ministry they are called to.  In this episode Ryan talks about the mindset shifts he is helping missionaries make as they learn to look at fundraising from a whole new perspective.

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