I Started a Business and Sent My Kid to College (with Mike Harper)


 In this episode we will unpack the story of how Mike Harper was faced with the daunting task of paying for his daughter’s private college tuition on a minimal pastor’s salary.  Mike leveraged his skill of painting and launched a business that has done incredibly well and continues to provide for his family in amazing ways.

As pastors and spiritual leaders, we often find ourselves navigating the delicate balance between serving our communities faithfully and managing our personal finances.
The challenges of pastoral poverty can be daunting, but they are not insurmountable.
That's why we've organized this exclusive webinar to provide you with practical insights and strategies to break free from financial constraints and step into a future of abundance and impact.

Breaking Free From the
Cycle of Pastoral Poverty
FREE Webinar For Pastors

April 16, 2024



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