Introducing EntrePastors Business Builders


Are you a pastor who desires to establish another source of income for your family?  Do you like the idea of running your business in addition to working in pastoral ministry?  Are you just getting started and feeling a sense of overwhelm at the magnitude of launching a business and navigating all the uncertainties in front of you?  If so, we have some good news for you. 

In this episode, Jon and Les unveil another brand new resource for our EntrePastors community.  We are getting ready to offer our EntrePastors Business Builders group!  This new group is for pastors just like you who are getting started in launching, building, and growing their side-hustles into a more steady and significant stream of revenue.  Find out all the details in this week’s podcast episode!

Ready to join us?
Join our Business Builders group.

Hi Pastor! Are you trying to figure out where to even start?
Get this FREE 5-Step Get Started Guide that includes 50+ business ideas, developed for pastors by pastors. PLUS we’ll send you regular emails that will help you get started as an EntrePastor.
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