My Business Launch Story - with Ronnie Wise


Ronnie Wise is one of the most recent graduates of our EntrePastors Business Launch Academy.  Ronnie has served in pastoral ministry for many years, and also serves as an Area Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  Like many pastors and ministry leaders, Ronnie found himself satisfied in the work of his calling, yet desiring to be able to provide more comfortably for his family.  

Somewhere along the line he was introduced to EntrePastors and shortly thereafter, was invited by Jon and Les to join Business Launch Academy, a 16-week program with content, coaching, and a practical step-by-step checklist to help pastors launch their businesses.  

Ronnie took action all throughout Business Launch Academy, and as a result, he was able to get his coaching business up and off the ground and create several paying clients before the program even ended.  We are confident Ronnie’s story will be an inspiration to other pastors who are in a similar place to where Ronnie was just a few short months ago.  And Ronnie would want you to know, if he can do this, so can you!

Connect With Ronnie:

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