A Pastor's Roadmap to Financial Freedom


In this episode Jon and Les make a huge announcement about the new and improved success path they have defined to help pastors achieve financial freedom.  

Jon and Les share how pastors can break away from a place of poverty and scarcity and move toward financial abundance and margin in their lives.  

The newly defined success path helps pastors in four primary ways:

  • Mindset - We will help you expose and challenge the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a place of financial scarcity and struggle.
  • Assessment - We will help you take a thorough inventory of how God has uniquely created you, define what you want, why you want it, who you feel most called to serve, and set a clear vision for moving forward.
  • Pathway - We will help you choose the best pathway to move forward in your EntrePastor journey.
  • Strategy - We will help you define a specific strategy for starting, growing, and scaling your business or side hustle.

In the backstage portion of this episode Jon and Les share some behind the scenes resources that they used to develop and launch A Pastor’s Roadmap to Financial Freedom.  You can use the same resources to gain more clarity and create a better product for your customers as well.

Learn more about the Roadmap here.

As pastors and spiritual leaders, we often find ourselves navigating the delicate balance between serving our communities faithfully and managing our personal finances.
The challenges of pastoral poverty can be daunting, but they are not insurmountable.
That's why we've organized this exclusive webinar to provide you with practical insights and strategies to break free from financial constraints and step into a future of abundance and impact.

Breaking Free From the
Cycle of Pastoral Poverty
FREE Webinar For Pastors

April 16, 2024



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