How Do I Pick a Side-Hustle That’s Guaranteed Not to Fail?


In this episode Jon and Les speak to the pastor who has come to the conclusion that the extra income from a side-hustle would be great, but they have no idea where or how to get started.  

Generally we find people in this space dealing with two different issues:

On one hand, we see the common “problem” of someone having so many ideas they’re struggling to choose the “right” one.  

On the other hand we work with pastors that truly have no idea what steps to take first or what direction to move on their EntrePastors journey.  

Regardless of which of these categories you consider yourself to be in, this episode is going to help you get moving.  In the show Jon and Les discuss:

  • What is the true definition of success?
  • What is the true definition of failure?
  • What practical steps can you take to get your ideas out on paper, choose a path, and take action?


Join our Pastors Roadmap to Financial Freedom in whatever level best suits you. 

In the backstage portion of this podcast Jon and Les share one guaranteed result you can expect when you finally start to take action on your ideas.  They also share some real examples of this principle from their own personal lives and EntrePastors journeys.

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